The Civil War Letters

Suffolk, Virginia

February 14 to March 19, 1863

February 14th, 1863
Maggie has moved back in with her mother and works again in the mill. He does not know where her mother lives and needs directions for letters.

He is in want of nothing but his Freedom. He signed the ticket that she sent him regarding number and age of children but she would have to fill that in.

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February 18th, 1863
Maggie has been sick and bothered by scandal from his step-mother. He reminds her that he told her before they were married that he intended to enlist for the war. He did not know it would last so long.

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February 25th, 1863
Maggie is well again and he has returned from a scout in a severe storm

They look forward to the war being over and living together in a house of their own. He will know what it is like to have a home after being a Soldier so long!

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March 2nd, 1863
He is about to leave on picket for 7 days but hopes to receive her letter while out.

The government owes them 4 months pay.

He looks forward to seeing her in 18 months.

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March 10th, 1863
It is quiet and there is not much progress towards bringing the war to a close.

Her letters are full of love and affection and he reads them over and over.

It is a great fashion for the Soldiers to write to as many Girls as they can and they have great fun reading the letters to one another so he does not advise any friend of his to write to a Soldier she did not know before the war.

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March 16th, 1863
It is cold and quiet. The Paymaster is still late with 4 months of pay.

He thinks of her walking a long way to work then having to nurse when she gets home at night. He is sorry he cannot help her. He tells her to "keep up her heart and she will be rewarded for her truth and purity".

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March 19th, 1863
He gives a good description of a battle at Franklin. There were 30 officers and men killed but none killed in their company. They took only one Rebel Lieutenant prisoner.

He prays that God will always protect him from the enemy bullets.

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