The Civil War Letters

Suffolk, Virginia

March 16, 1863

Suffolk Va March 16th 1863

My Dear Wife

i received your very kind letter yuesterday and i was vary glad to hear that you and Lizzie was doing so well  i am injoying good health at present and i hope this will find you injoying the same Blessing

So Johnathan Topham has gone to Canada  i suppose Sally Dyson feels rather cheap about her intended.  poor Sally has bad luck with her beaus.  i thought all the Rascals had gone for Soilders but it seems there is a few Black Sheep left behind. so much for Jonathan.

our company was out on a Scout on Saturday  we went as far as Beaver dam Church about two miles from Franklin on the Blackwater  we arrived safe in camp a little after dark on Saturday night. there is nothing new about here at present  the weather is very cold and disagreable  this has been a bad month all through but i suppose when it does get warm we will our fill of hot weather.

Dear Maggie  i have not much to say.  we are expecting the paymaster to make his appearance before long with four months pay   he promised to be here by the tenth of this month but he has not kept his promise

Dear Wife  i often think how hard you must have it. to walk so far to your work and have to nurse when you get home from your work at night  i wish i could help you  how willinly i would do it  but Maggie Dear  we have to Strugle on for another year or more yet before we can be togather to help one another  but though 3 years looks long before hand it will come around sometime and then we will meet to part no more on this earth till death parts us  and then i hope that we shall meet in heaven where there will be no war and no sorrow to vex us but where there will everlasting happyness.

My Dear Wife  Keep up your heart and you will be rewarded for your truth and purity.  Dear Maggie  i have no more to say at present  give my little Daughter a Kiss for me  i am so glad that she is getting along so well  i would give a great Deal to see her but much more to see her mother  i must now close

Give my love to Mother  Jane  and all the family and all inquiring Friends

My Very Best Love to you
i remain as ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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