The Civil War Letters

Suffolk, Virginia

March 19, 1863

Suffolk Va March 19th 1863

My Dear Wife

i wrote a letter to you on the 16th and at midnight of the 16th we was orderd out to go to Franklin on the Blackwater  so i had no chance to post your letter until i got back to camp  we had a pretty cold journey of it  we arrived close to Franklin at about 8 oclock in the morning  the Rebels have a very strong place of it  they have good Brestworks and guns mounted on them and lots of Rifle pitts on each side of the Road  and in the woods our force consisted of 6 companys of our Rigement and 4 pieces of artillery of the Massachusetts Battery  as soon as we got within one mile of Franklin three companys of us charged there Cavalry Pickets right up to there Brestworks when there cannon opend on us with grape shot and shell  and there infantry pepperd us from the Rifle pits and woods  we charged there works twice but each time we was forced to fall back with considerable loss  in the two charges we had 30 officers and men killed and wounded  but as luck would have it not a single man in our company was hurt

among our losses was 2 Lieutenants two Sergeants 3 corporals and the Rest privates  all that we got for our trouble was 1 Rebel Lieutenant Prisoner

the Rebel force was commanded by Gen Parker  the 1st North Carolina and the 1st South Carolina infantry was in the Rifle Pits on each side of the Road  and there Battry was in front of us  so you may think what show we had on our horses. an excellant target to be shot at. we brought all of our wounded with us to camp except about 10 whom we could not Rescue from the Rebs.

we arrived safe in camp on the following day  i thank god for my safety and i pray he always will protect me from the enemeys Bullets.

i have not much to say today only it is a very disagreeable day for it has been raining sleet all day and it is very cold.  Dear Wife  i am injoying the Best of health and i hope this letter will find you and Lizzie injoying the same Blessing

Dear wife  i have no more to add at present.

Give my Love to your Mother  Jane and all the family and all inquiring Friends

i am as ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

P.S.  excuse me for not writing sooner for i could not on account of being out

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