The Civil War Letters

Suffolk, Virginia

March 22 to April 20, 1863

March 22nd, 1863
He does not want to come to see her because the pain of parting again would be so great. He will wait for his time to be up.

He apologizes for enlisting so soon after they were married but he thought the war would be over sooner.

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March 27th, 1863
It has been cold and wet and he hopes the weather will dry up soon.

He thinks they will be in Suffolk awhile.

There was a fire in the mill where she works.

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March 31st, 1863
He has received a box with excellent Brandy and cake and pie that was first rate. It was the best treat he has had since he has been a soldier.

He would like to see Lizzie and hopes she will not be troubled with much sickness. He cautions not to put too much medicine in her because that can keep her sick all the time. But she must know what is best for Lizzie better than he does.

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April 3rd, 1863
A short letter - he has eaten no government rations since she sent the box and he thanks her again.

He sends his Warrant of Non-Commissioned Officer for her to keep as it shows what he belongs to and what he is.

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April 9th, 1863
The Regiment was paid 4 months pay and he has sent her $60.00 by Adams Express.

His Division was reviewed by General Peck and it was a big day for the soldiers.

She has returned to work and must go very early to walk and be there so there is not much time for breakfast.

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April 18th, 1863
He was ill and is getting stronger again. He did not tell her because he suffered enough without making her uneasy. He hopes he now will be blessed with good health the rest of his life. It is a great consolation to know that he has such a good and loving wife.

They are surrounded by a large Rebel army and expect a big fight before long.

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April 20th, 1863
Maggie has written and is very worried about him. He urges her to keep a good heart and cheerful countenance for his sake.

They are surrounded by 50,000 Rebels but he thinks they can whip them. Last night they captured 120 prisoners and killed and wounded a great many more of them.

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