The Civil War Letters

Suffolk, Virginia

April 20, 1863

Suffolk Va April 20th 1863

My Dear Wife

i received your very kind and affectionate letter today and i am glad that you are still injoying good health as this leaves me at present

My Dear Wife  do not worry so much about me or make yourself miserable on my account  for dear Maggie you know that gods will will be done  and there is now doubt but i shall live to come home to you yet with gods Blessing.  Dear Wife  i know that you love me dearly and  Maggie  i do love you with all my strength  and do keep up a good heart and cheerful countanence for my sake  try to look on the sunny side of the Picture  hope for the best Dear Maggie and i will take the best care of my self and keep out of all the Danger i can avoid  and there is not the least doubt but we shall spend a Happy life togather  Yet never give way to Dispair

We are still sourrounnded by the Rebels to the number of fifty thousand  but i think we can whip them.  last night we had a fight with them and we captured one hundred and twenty Prisoners and six pieces of Artillery from them besides killing and wounding a great many more of them

My Dear Wife  i have no more to add at present  Your Brother William is well and sends his love to you all

Give my Love to Jane  Mother and all the Family  My most Sincere Love to you My Darling Wife

i remain as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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