The Civil War Letters

Suffolk, Virginia

May 9, 1863

Suffolk Va May 9th 1863

My Dear Wife

i received your letter this evening and i was very sorry to hear that you have not received my letter that i wrote to you in answer to your letter of the 24th of April.  i received both your letters  one with the Longs in and the other one with the stamps  and i was going to write today to know what was the matter that you did not write  for it is over two since i wrote the last letter to you and i have not received an answer  i thought that perhaps you was to sick to write.  so if you have not received the letter it has gone astray for i wrote one in answer to your last kind letter

Dear Maggie  i cannot tell you how i have looked for a letter this last week  for i thought that you must have been very sick or you would have wrote to me  so Maggie Dear  you must not Blame me if my letter was lost  and as for me thinking that you would do anything wrong  such a thing never come in my head  and all of my Friends that write to me speak of you in the best of terms

Dear Wife  i hope you will not think that i could be so mean as to think that you was not true to me.  for Maggie  i never could think that of my wife.  You wanted to know the resons why i did not write to you and i hope that what i have wrote will satisfy you.  i was very sorry to hear of Brother John being wounded  but i hope he is not Seriously wounded.  it appears by the latest news that Gen Harker has been drove back across the Rappahannock again  there is not much good luck for the Union Army  the Rebels have left Suffolk  our company followed them as far as corrsville and picked up about 200 of there men who straggled behind there command

i have no news to send  there is plenty of News in the Papers such as it is  i will now close

Give my Love to Your  Mother  Jane and all the Family

My Very Best Love to You

i remain as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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