The Civil War Letters

Suffolk, Virginia

March 31, 1863

Suffolk Va March 31st 1863

My Dear Wife

i received your very kind letter on sunday and i was very glad to hear that you well and injoying good health as this leaves me at present

i received the Box you sent me yuesterday and Brother William also received his box.  everything in my Box was in the Best of order  the Brandy was excellant  the cake and pie was firstrate  everything in the Box was good and it is the Best treat i have had since i have been a Soildier.  Dear Maggie  i do not know how to thank for your kindness in sending so many good things  but i am Proud to know that i have one in the world who thinks of me and Loves and Prays for me

Dear Wife  i could not tell you how Dearly i do love you  the months seem like years to me until i shall be free to join you at home again

Dear Maggie  i hope that no accident will happen between now and the time i shall be free  and i promise that nothing in this world will induce me to leave my Dear Wife again.  for when i did leave you i never thought of being away from you so long  but what is done cannot be helpt now  so we must make the best of it.

Dear Wife  there is nothing new about Suffolk  today it is a very stormy day  it has been raining and Blowing all day and all last night and it is quite cold  but in another month or two we will be shut of cold weather and i can stand warm weather a great deal better than i can cold.  we have one more winter to serve Uncle Sam and i hope it will soon come round for i long to be at home to injoy the company of my Dear Wife and child

i hope Lizzie is well  i very often think i would like to see her  she will be able to run about when i come home  i hope she will not be troubled with much sickness  you must not put to much medicine in her for a great many women have a fault of giving there children so much medicine that they keep them sick all the time  but i have no need to tell you for you know yourself what is better for Lizzie than i do.  Dear Maggie  i have no more to add at present

give my Love your Mother  Jane and all the family.  and my Very best Love to you and the little Pet.

i am as ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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