The Civil War Letters

Suffolk, Virginia

March 27, 1863

Suffolk Va March 27th 1863

My Dear Wife

i received your kind letter yuesterday and i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health as this leaves me at present.  i was sorry to hear of the mill being burned but accidents will happen some times. i just returned last night from a 4 day Scout on the Chowan River in North Carolina  4 companys of us left Suffolk on Monday and we peached camp last night  we had a pretty long journey of it  but we all reached camp in safety. there is nothing new about Suffolk just now  it has been a great while since i have heard anything in the papers but i suppose we will hear plenty of news before long when the weather clears up and the Roads are dry.  i do not know wether we will have to move or not  but i do not think we will leave Suffolk for sometime yet.

So it appears that Lizzie Tomlinson has been improving her time since she has been married  i suppose by the time i get home all of my young Friends will be married and have familes  a few years makes great changes sometimes  but i hope it will make no changes in you or me

Dear Maggie  i have not much to say today  you must excuse my short letter  i am glad to hear Lizzie is doing so well  i suppose she will be able to talk by the time i get home

i got the 4 Postage stamps that was in the letter

My Dear Wife  i have no more to add at present  Give my Love to your Mother  Jane and all of the Family

My Very Best Love to you my Dear Wife
i remain as ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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