The Civil War Letters

Suffolk, Virginia

April 18, 1863

Suffolk Va April 18th 1863

My Dear Wife

i received your kind and affectionate letter this morning and i was very glad to hear from you and to know that you was well.  i am able to do my duty again  i am not quite as strong as i was before i got sick but i am improving very fast.  the reson why i did not tell you that i was sick was because i suffered enough without making you uneasy also  but i am a great deal better now and i hope that i will be blessed with good health for the rest of my life.  but a person cannot help being sick sometime

Dear Maggie  it is a great consolation and Solice to me to know that i have such a good loving wife.  Dear Maggie  i never can repay you for your kindness and self sacrafise for me  i do not think that man was ever Blessed with a better wife then i am and i Bless the day that i first met you  for you are everything to me now.  and i long to see the day when we shall meet again.  i have not much news to send at present  we are just now surrounded by a large Rebel Army  and we expect a big fight before long

i received Mathas letter day before yuesterday and i have answerd it yuesterday  she speaks well of Lizzie and says she is the finest girl in West Philadelphia

the Kiss is very exceptable  i wish i could Kiss you in Realaty.  but i must wait with patance until my time is up which will be one year from next July  a good while yet but it will soon come round i hope and then for a quite happy life with my Dear Wife and child

Dear Wife  i have no more to add at present  Give my Love to Jane  Mother and all the family

My most Sincere Love to you My Dear Wife

i am as ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

Please send me some Postage Stamps when we write and oblige Yours
William Lancaster

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