The Civil War Letters

Suffolk, Virginia

February 18, 1863

Suffolk Va Feb 18th 1863

My Dear Wife

i received your ever kind letter yuesterday and i was very sorry to hear that you had been so sick  but i hope you are better by this time for it is a dreadful thing to be sick  i pray that God will Bless you with good and sound health  that you may have no more Sickness.  i am very glad to hear that Lizzie is doing so well  i hope you will have no troble with her getting sick.

Dear Maggie  i am very sorry to hear that you are so grieved by people talking scandel to you  the best thing you can do is to let them talk as much as they please but take no notice of them  and i do not know what good it can do my Stepmother to put in her Gab but let them talk if that will do them any good  and when i come home i will see who will do the talking.  i am glad that Jane is so good to you.  those verses Jane sent to me are very pretty  you must tell Jane that i think a great deal of them  for they are very good verses and just suite my taste.  i also received a very pretty Valentine  i suppose you know all about that.

Dear Wife  i have no news to send  everything about Suffolk are pretty much the same as usal

Dear Maggie  i wish this war was over so that i could be with you once more  for i do long to be with you once more  Maggie if you think i have acted queer which perhaps i have  but Maggie you know for your self that i told you before we was married that i was going to list for the war. at that time i had no idea that the war was going to last so long  for i expected to be home again before one year would have passed away  but you see i was mistaken as was a great many more. No Dear Wife  i know that you love me to well to belive that i would Decive you.  Keep up your heart and be of good cheer and i prey that god will Bless and keep you until i return home with Gods Blessing   i must now close

Give My Love to Jane  your Mother and all the Family

My Very Best Love to you
i Remain as ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

P.S. please let me know if you are better when you write
God Bless you Maggie
W Lancaster

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