The Civil War Letters

Suffolk, Virginia

March 10, 1863

Suffolk Va March 10th 1863

My Dear Wife

i received both of your last letters and i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health as it leaves me at present  i have just returned from my weeks picket and a very stormy day it is today  though for the most of the time the wether was fine

i am glad you got Lizzie Babtised  it was right that you should do so  i hope she will live to be a good Girl.  Dear Maggie  things about Suffolk are very dull at present  there has been no news in the papers for some time  i expected that Vicksburg would have fallen before this time  but like Richmond it is not taken yet  i think we are making slow Progress towards bringing the war to a close

Dear Maggie  i hardly know what to write  but the letters i receive from you are so full of Love and Affectionate that i often read them over and over again and i often think that no man was ever Blessed with a more true fathful and Affectionate Girl for a Wife than i am

Maggie  i could not tell you on paper how Dearly i do Love you  i will prove it to you  Dear Maggie  i know you must have to suffer  struggling to get along by yourself with no one to encourage or assist you  but i hope this war will soon come to a close and then i will be with you and our troubles will be one.  as you said in your letter we are both young yet and there is no doubt but we will live a happy life together yet  i hope so

P.S. tell Selina Hifel there is a young man in our company by the name of William G. Moore  he is about 19 years old and belongs to Philadelphia  he is a bunkmate of Tom McClintock  i do not think he was ever interduced to Selina at Hestonville because when he was at Hestonville he was Kind of Raged in his clothes and hardly fit to be seen speaking to any Girl.  i suppose that tom McClintock gave him the Directons to write to Selina as it is a great fation for the Soilders to correspond with as many Girls as they can get to correspond with them  and then they have got them reading the letters to one and another  i would advise any Friend of mine against writing to any Soilders unless she has known him before or know what kind of man he is though it is none of my Business  them is my Sentiments  that is all

Dear Wife  i have no more to say at present  i hope this will find you and Lizzie injoying the Very Best of health as it leaves me

Give My Love to Mother  Jane and all the Family

And my most sincere Love to You
i am as ever Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

Dear Maggie  your Sweet Kiss was very exceptable though it was on paper  i wish to god i was near enough to you to give you one good Kiss

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