The Civil War Letters

Suffolk, Virginia

February 14, 1863

Suffolk Va Feb 14th 1863

My Dear Wife

i received your kind and welcome letter yuesterday and i was very glad to hear that you was still in good health as it leaves me at present

i am glad that my picture and money reached you safe and i am glad to know that my picture pleased you as well

So you have moved home again  i suppose it is best you should do so for it must be expensive keeping house now when things is so dear  when you write again you must let me know how you like to work at Blundins again  i suppose it puts you in mind of old times

i see in the Philadelphia inquirer that Ben Flood and Ellen Newlin are married  i thought that Flood was dead  you must let me know when Sally Dyson and Lopham are married  i guess there is no sighn of Asneth getting married yet. when you write you must let me know where your Mother lives for you never told me wether she moved to Budd Street or not.

Dear Maggie  i am not in want of a gum coat  i have a very good oil cloth Blanket which is just as good as a coat and i have plenty of good clothing and i am in want of nothing but my Freedom so that i can return home to my Dear Loved Wife

for Maggie i love you dearer then i ever did  you have proved so true and steadfast that no one could help but Love you  and i hope that i shall live to have the happyness to meet you once more  for you are all to me  you are all i ever think of in this world.

i got the ticket which you sent me sighned this morning  You will have to write on the Back of the ticket your name and Residence  number of Children and age of Children

i have no more to add at present  Give my love to your Mother  Jane and all the Family

with my Very Best Love to you i Remain as ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

P.S. when you write let me what Directions i Shall put on your letter now that you have moved  i directed this letter to Blundins Mills
W. Lancaster

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