The Civil War Letters

Suffolk, Virginia

November 23, 1862 to February 2, 1863

November 23rd, 1862
Lizzie is well and he is happy and hopes she will live until he can come home to see her. He lives in hope and believes that there is a good time coming yet. He wishes the war to be over so that he can come home to his dear wife and child.

He received the letter with the $1 and also said that he had received a jar of preserves with his name on it by way of Thomas McClintock.

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December 14th, 1862
He has just returned from a scout. They were fired upon and attacked by the Rebel cavalry but they charged and the Rebels broke and ran. They took 30 prisoners and as many horses, 60 stand of arms, saddles and equipment without losing any men.

A steam chest exploded in Maggie's mill but she was not hurt. She has a new house. Her kiss is very "exceptable" but would be ten times more so if it came from her own lips.

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December 31st, 1862
He finally received a letter from her - there have been none in 3 weeks and he thought something was wrong.

They were mustered for pay but Uncle Sam still owes him six months pay and he doesn't expect to get it soon.

She told him his brother is doing okay but enduring rough work and severe hardship with only a single blanket to protect him from rain and frost on the ground. He has "layed in such a condition" for the last 10 days himself and "there is no fun in it at all". But such things don't last forever and he hopes to be able to spend next Christmas at home.

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January 11th, 1863
He has been on a 4 day scout where it rained, snowed and froze the whole time. He was unsable to sleep because there was no shelter. It was the worst time of his service so far and now he has a cold but will be alright in a day or two.

Still no pay. He looks forward to a better time.

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January 21st, 1863
He has gotten quite well again. She asks about a furlough for hime but it is impossible and he suggests the war may be over or he will be finished in 18 months anyway when his 3 years enlistment will be up.

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January 25th, 1863
Lizzie is sick and he hopes she is better as he would not like to lose her now though he has never seen her. He loves her none the less for that.

The Paymaster came with 4 months pay but they were promised 6 months and would take no less. He applied to the Colonel for relief money for her.

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February 2nd, 1863
He gives a good description of a battle near the deserted house on the Blackwater Road.

"The way the shot and shell flew about our heads made one think of home and the world to come". "War is horrible in reality".

Her brother William is with him and well.

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February 2nd, 1863
He has had 2 likenesses taken and sends one to Maggie and one to his Father by Adams Express. With the picture he sends $40.00 as they have received 4 months pay.

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