The Civil War Letters

Suffolk, Virginia

January 21, 1863

Suffolk Va Jany 21st 1863

My Dear Wife

i received your kind letter yuesterday and i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health

i have got quite well again  everything about Suffolk is quite at present  we have no news of any kind  the weather has been very cold of late but last night it blew up a storm and has been raining ever since  it looks like clearing of this morning

i have nothing to write about this morning only to let you know that i am well and injoying good health  i hope Lizzie and you are getting along first rate

i wrote a letter to you a few days ago which i suppose you have received  Dear Wife  i would like very much to visit home if such a thing was possable but it is impossable at the present time to get a furlough  i suppose i will get a furlough in about 18 months time unless the war comes to a close before that time  it just wants 18 months to make 3 years when our time will be out but i hope i will be free before that time  but sooner or later i will be free sometime

Dear Wife  i have no more to say at present

Give my love to all inquiring Friends  my best Love to your Dear self  i am as ever Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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