The Civil War Letters

Suffolk, Virginia

January 25, 1863

Camp Suffolk Va Jany 25th 1863

My Dear Wife

i received your very kind letter yuesterday and i was very glad to hear that you was well  but i was very sorry to hear that little Lizzie was sick  i hope by this time she is better  i would not like that we should loose her now  though i have never seen her i love her none the less for that  i hope to see both you and her yet if ever this war will come to a close.

the paymaster was here this last week but he only brought 4 months pay with him and none of the officers or Soilders would take 4 months pay  they said that they would have Six months pay or none so he went back with out paying us  but i expect he will be here again before long with 6 months pay for us  at least i hope so

Dear Maggie  i have no news to send  today is Sunday and it is a very nice day and i only wish i was in West Philadelphia to injoy such a day with you

My Dear Wife  you do not know how i long to be with you once more  it will indeed be a happy time to me when you and i meet again  Maggie  words cannot tell how Dearly i love you and i am sure i shall be happy with you when i come home  the time passes slowly on but we will meet again sometime

Dear Wife  i took the Certifycate to the Colonal this morning and he signed his name to it and i suppose it will be all right now  if the Committee do not take it now you aught to give him a good Lecture for putting you to so much trable for nothing  if a man after nearly two years of faithful service to the Goverment aint intilled to Relief money i would like to know who is that so

Dear Maggie  i have no more to say at present  i hope Lizzie is Better by this time  when you write again please let me know how she is  tell Natha that i wont forget her for her Kindness in nursing Lizzie  Give My Love to all inquiring Friends  i must now close

With my Most Lasting Love to you i am your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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