The Civil War Letters

Suffolk Virginia

December 14, 1862

Suffolk Va (Dec) 14th 1862

My Dear Wife

i received your letter of the 5th yuesterday and  i was very glad to hear that you was well  your letter came to suffolk on wednesday but i was out on a scout and i did not get back until last night  i started out on Wensday and got back on Saturday  so that is the reson why i did not answer your letter sooner

since i last wrote we had a fight at Beaver Dam Church near the Black Water  we was out there on a scout and was just eating our Breakfast when our Picket was attacked by the Rebel Cavalry  our Col sent 3 companys of us to Drive them off. about 1 mile Gallop fetched us in sight of the 2d Rigement Georgia Mounted Rangers drawn up in line of Battle with one section of Rocket Battry  as soon as we came in sight of them our Major gave the command to Charge  just as we commenced to charge they shot a volly at us with there Rifles but we was going so fast that they did not hit any of us  when we got with in 50 yards of them they Broke and Run and we after them like wild men  we over took their battry and took it with all the Gunners and artilly men and Kept up the chase until we Drove them under there Breastworks at Franklin  we took about 30 Prisoners and as many horses 60 stand of Arms saddles and equipments and 1 section of Artillary with out loosing any men at all  but the way the Georgia did Run or make there horses Run for them was a caution to Rebels

i dont know what kind of Weather you have in Philadelphia but we have had it Pretty cold down here for this last two weeks though the weather keeps clear but cold

since i last wrote there has 4 or 5 Rigements of drafted men arrived here From West Philadelphia they look very green but they have sent them to the right place to make Soilders of them  they have to come to dots (???) here  that is so

i have no news to send you  i hope your finger is better by this time  it was fortunate that no one was hurt when the steam chist exploded in the mill  let me know if you have in your new house yet and how Lizzie is getting along

Dear Maggie  i would like to write more but i cannot find words to write  i would Rather that i could be at home to talk with you but i must waite intil this war is over for that happy time

Dear Wife  i have no more to say at present

Give my love to your Mother  Jane and all the Family
My Best Respects to all inquiring Friends

My Very Best Love to you
From your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

Dear Wife
the Kiss you sent me is very exceptable but if i could have it From your own sweet lips it would be ten times more exceptable
Wm Lancaster

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