The Civil War Letters

Suffolk Virginia

December 31, 1862

Suffolk Va Dec 31th 1862

My Dear Wife

i received your Affectionate letter yuesterday and  i was very glad to hear from you and to know that you was well and in good health as this leaves me at present

it has been nearly 3 weeks since i received a letter from you and i thought something was wrong  i was very much anxious to have a letter from you

Our company have had pretty hard times of it since i last wrote  we was on Picket seven days and as soon as we came in camp we was orderd out again with 3 days Rations to Escort a Brigade of infantry to North Carolina to Reinforce Gen. Foster  and we got Back to camp last night all safe and sound but pretty well tired out

to day being the last of the month we was musterd for pay this forenoon  Uncle Sam now owes me six months pay but there is no sighn what ever of us getting payed yet. i hope you will be able to get along until we are payed  it is a long time coming but it will come some time perhaps soon.

Maggie  i am very glad to hear that you like your new home so well  i would like very much to injoy it with you  i hope you will be happy and content until i return home  then we can be happy togather

i was glad to hear that My Brother was still safe  i expect he has seen some Rough work and had some hardships to incounter for it is very cold laying on the cold damp Ground with nothing but a single Blanket to Protect you from Rain and Frost  for this last ten days i have layed in such a condition and i can tell you there is no fun in it at all. but such things will not last for ever  they will be a end to it some day  i hope i will be able to spend next Christmas at home

Dear Wife  i have no more to write at present  i hope this letter will find you injoying the Best of health  i hope Lizzie is well

Give my Respects to all inquiring Friends

My Very Best Love to you
i am as ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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