The Civil War Letters

Suffolk Virginia

November 23, 1862

Suffolk Va Nov 23d 1862

My Dear Wife

i received your kind and ever welcome letter and i was very glad to hear that you was well and that Lizzie was getting much Better for i would be very sorry to hear of anything happening to her   i hope she will live until i come home so i can see her  i would love to see her

i have no news to send to day  we are still kept on Scout  we generaly are out 4 days per week  the ground begins to be rather cold today an at night but we always make out to live and injoy good health

Dear Maggie  you must keep up your heart and be of good cheer for you know that i live to come home  we will have a happy time of it yet  this war may not last so long  there is no telling what may turn up before next spring  i always live in hope and i belive there is a good time coming yet  i would like very much to be at home with my wife and child for above all things i Love my wife and child and i know how i am Loved in Return by you

My Dear Wife  i forgot to mention in my last letter that i received One Dollar in the last letter but one  i also forgot that Thomas McClintock got a Box From home and in the Box there was a small glass jar of Perserves with my name on it  he gave it to me and they was very good  i suppose they was from you for i have no one else that would take the troble to send me anything  you never mentioned it in any of your letters but i know it was from you

at present i am in want of nothing  i have plenty of good clothing and all that i want is the war to be over so that i can once come home to my Dear Wife and child

 i have no more to say at present  Give my Respects to your Mother  Jane and all the Family and all inquiring Friends

With my Most Sincere Love to you
i am
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

as yet there is no sighn of Pay day coming  Uncle Sam will owe me 5 months Pay on the last of this month  i am afraid he is Running it in to the Ground

i can get along very well without money but i know that you cannot  i hope we will get Paid soon so that i can send you some money

W Lancaster

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