The Civil War Letters

Richmond, Virginia

October 5 to November 3, 1864

October 5th, 1864. Co E. 11th Pa Cav, in the field near Richmond VA
There has been rain and a fight or skirmish every day - a rough time of it on this expedition. He had 3 bullet holes in his coat but none of them hurt his skin.

They are in sight of the Steeples and Church Spires of the City (Richmond) but it is hard to tell when they will be able to walk in as Masters.

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October 12th, 1864. Near Richmond, VA
They were attacked and driven from their position but he is safe and sound. He doesn't know when they will be ordered to winter quarters. He is grateful for her letters as she is the only correspondent he has. He is now tired and sleepy after being on picket for 48 hours though he has neither a soft bed or even any shelter.

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October 14th, 1864. In the Field Near Richmond
There is a fight almost every day now.

His Father has written that Mill work is dull and they are building up stock and preparing to stop, so he thinks it best to continue in the Service this winter. He would not like to come home and be unemployed.

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October 22nd, 1864. In the Field Near Richmond
Very short letter as his fingers are cold. They have not whipped the Rebel army yet.

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October 26th, 1864. Chapins Farm, VA
She has written lines in her letter to help see through these times of trial and danger. He sends $50.00 in the letter as he cannot get to Adams Express.

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November 2nd, 1864. In the field Near Richmond
At present he is not able to leave the service but he may be able to see her before long. He sends another $50.00 in the letter and wants to know that she has received both of them.

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November 3rd, 1864. In the Field Near Richmond VA
There are still no orders to winter quarters but the weather is rather disabreeable and it is high time they were in some type of quarters.

He cannot leave the Service at present with honor. He still loves her and wants her to remember the one far away who loves her.

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