The Civil War Letters

Richmond, Virginia

October 12, 1864

nr Richmond Va
October 12th 1864

My Dear Wife

i received your Kind letter yuesterday and i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health as this leaves me at present.  we have a rather rough time of it since i last wrote  on the morning of the 7th our Cavalry Div. Kantzs was attacked at daylight and we had a pretty sharp fight.  they came on us in large force with infantry Cavalry & artillery.  we had nothing but Cavalry and a few pieces of Artillery  after fighting for 1 hour they drove us from our Position and i had just all that i could do to save my bacon  i come near to having to pay a visit to liby Prison  but as luck would have it i am here safe and sound.

Dear Maggie  we are still in the feild and it is hard to tell when we shall be ordred to winter quarters.  but this thing will not last always.  i have no news to add  you must Remember me Kindly to Anna McDonal  i thought i was forgot by Everybody except yourself for you are the only correspondent that i have got  i do not know what i should do if i had not you to write to me.  a letter from you always helps to cheer the time along. but i must bring this to a close  i have just come of Picket for 48 hours and i feel very tired and sleepy though i have nether a soft Bed or even any shelter.  so i have no truble putting the windows down.  Remember me Kindly to Jane  Mother and all the family.  i close with

My Very Best Love to you
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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