The Civil War Letters

Richmond, Virginia

October 26, 1864

Chapins Farm Va
October 26. 1864

My Dear Wife

i received yours of the Eighteenth and i was glad to hear that you was well as this leaves me at present.  i received a letter from Jane to day which i was glad to hear that the family was well.  i have just come of Picket this morning.  the wether is fine but the nights are cold and i suppose we hall have plenty of bad wether before long.

those lines in your letter i think are very appropriate and contain many truths to encourage one through Series of trials and dangers

Dear Maggie  i have no news to Send at Present.  Enclosed in this letter you will find $50.00 which i send you.  i suppose you think that i have forgot to send any more money.  but i shall have more to send before long

i must now close hoping this will find you & Lizzie injoying the Best of health as it leaves me at Present  Give my Love to Mother  Jane & all the Family

My Very Best of Love to you
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

when you write let me know if you received the money  if this reaches you safe i will send you some more by letter as i cannot get to Adams Express
Your love
Wm L.

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