The Civil War Letters

Richmond, Virginia

November 3, 1864

In the Feild nr Richmond Va
November 3d 1864

My Dear Wife

i write to inform you that i am still injoying good health and i hope these few lines will find you injoying the same Blessing.

Dear Maggie  i am idle just now and i thought i would write a few lines knowing you would be glad to receive it.  We are not commanded to build winter quarters yet but we Expect in a few days to move into someplace where we can build quarters and also Stables for our horses.

the wether is beginning to be rather disagreeable and cold and it is high time we was in Some kind of quarters.  i suppose there is some Excitement in Philadelphia on account of the Election.  but it dont troble me much  there is none of them worth making a fuss about.  there is none of them would break there neck for me and ditto them.

Dear Maggie  you must not think hard of me for not leaving the Service for i cannot do it at present with honor to my self and as Soon as we get into winter quarters i will make application for leave of absence to come home and we can talk over our prospects and plan for the future

Maggie  i love you as dear as i Ever i did and you must not think because i am away from you so long that i have forgot you or that i never think of you.  if it was not for you and your Affectionate letters i would have nothing to cheer me through my trials and hardships.  and Maggie always Remember that there is one who is far away from you that loves you and always think of you.

Dear Wife  i am a poor hand to write a love letter  if i was able to find words for my thought i would write one that would take an hour to read  but Enough of this  i will have to bring my letter to a close hoping this will find you and Lizzie in the Enjoyment of good health

Give my love to all the family

My Best Love to you
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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