The Civil War Letters

Richmond, Virginia

November 10, 1864

Camp 11th Pa Cav
Nov 10th 1864

My Dear Wife

i received your letters of Nov 1st and also the one of the 6th and i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health as this leaves me at present.  we have been kept very busy this last two weeks  we have Scarsly had time to breath  we have been on the go all the time

i would have answerd your other letter sooner but this is the first chance i have had to write.  there is not much news down hear  we managed to have an election in my Company  We had 38 Voters.  and out of the 38, 34 was for Lincoln and 4 for McClellen.  So Company give Lincoln 30 Majority.

I Suppose the was considerable Excitment in Phila on Election day but it is over now.  and i hope the Best man is Elected.

Dear Maggie  i cannot tell yet when i shall be able to pay a visit home  at present we are So very Busy that we cannot get any favors.  but i will be Sure to come before the Winter is over.

Dear Wife  i must bring my letter to a close  Give my love to all the family

My Very Best Love to you
i Remain as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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