The Civil War Letters

Richmond, Virginia

January 6 to February 3, 1865

January 6th, 1865. Camp 11th Pa Cavalry, Near Richmond VA
This letter is written to William Fulton, Maggie's Brother William who has escaped from Rebel prison. He hopes that William's health is improving.

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Early January, 1864. Camp 11th Pa Cavalry, Near Richmond VA
There is some improvement in William's health and he may soon be able to move about. He thinks he may be home the last of the month for 20 days.

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January 18th, 1865. Camp 11th Pa Cavalry, Near Richmond VA
He cannot come home this month as there are already 2 officers on leave, but she will see him this winter yet, at least he hopes so. He has sent a picture of himself in the new gloves.

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January 22nd, 1865. Camp 11th Pa Cav
There has been a heavy snowfall and the roads are almost impossible for a horse. Captain Monroe relieved him from command of the company and he is now acting Regiment Adjutant. A letter from Brother William states he is much improved.

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January 31st, 1865. Camp 11th Pa Cav
She has sent her photograph and it is the best picture of her he has ever seen and she looks first rate. He has not been well but has still been able to carry out his duties.

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February 3, 1865. Camp 11th Pa Cavalry, Near Richmond VA
Maggie's mother is very ill and there does not seem much of a chance for her to live.

There has been talk of a move down here and his coming home is uncertain. The weather has been good so they must move since the Army does not want them to get too comfortable. He doesn't think the war will last 40 years since there has been talk of peace, but there must be something else done besides talk.

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