The Civil War Letters

Richmond, Virginia

January 22, 1865

Camp 11th Pa Cavalry
January 22d 1865

My Dear Wife

I write to inform you that I am still well and I hope these few lines will find you in the best of Spirits  this being Sunday and having nothing to do this afternoon I thought I would write a few lines to you though I have nothing new to send.  but I know that a few lines from me Will be Welcome to you at any time.

we have had a very Severe Storm for this last twenty four hours and the roads are in wreched condition  almost impassable for a horse Without a Wagon.

I have been releived from command of my company by Capt Monroe and i am now acting Regt. Adjutant.  I will not be home as Soon as I expected but i will come before the winter is over for I must See you before we commence the Summers Campaign.

I received a letter from William yuesterday and I was very glad to hear that he was so much improved.  I also received one from Jane about two weeks ago which I have neglected to answer yet.

Dear Wife  I have not much to add at present  Remember me kindly to all inquiring Friends

Give my love to Mother  Jane  William and all the Family

My Best love to you and Lizzie
I am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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