The Civil War Letters

Richmond, Virginia

January 31, 1865

Camp 11th Pa Cavalry
January 31st 1865

My Dear Wife

I received your Kind letter of Jan 22d to day and I was very glad to know that you was Still injoying good health  I also received your Photograph and I think it is the best Picture of you I ever saw.  and you look firstrate  I hope I will be able to See you before a great while but at present there is to many officers absent from the Regement.  but my turn will come.

I have not been very well for this last week or two.  I have had a cold and it Settled on my Bowels  but I have not been so but I could attend to my dutys and I expect I shall be all right in a few days.  I am much Pleased to hear such a good account of Lizzie and I will be very glad to see her.

Dear Wife  i have nothing new to add.  I hope these few lines will find you and Lizzie injoying the Best of health.  Give my Love to Mother  Jane and all the Family

My Best Love to you
I am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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