The Civil War Letters

Camp Palmer

Mid October to November 13, 1861

On October 16th, 1861, the Regiment moved from Camp Harlan to Camp Palmer, near Ball's Cross Roads, Arlington, Virginia, where it went into camp for instruction and drill.

Sunday October "I do not know the date"
He can't get the box she sent by Adams express. The sutler goes to Washington but too many people to wait. He sends the ticket back to her.

He has gotten clothes and shoes. The Regiment drills and is improving. They have church and he goes. He has guilt over leaving her - will prove love when he returns home safely. He is ill.

Text Version

November 3rd, 1861
The Regiment is ordered to Maryland but he is ill and stays in tent like Robinson Crusoe! He wishes she was there too.
The company is well equipped - have revolvers and a large cavalry sabre. It's muddy. He got the box and there were India Rubber Blankets for him and Brother William. Also boots and a bottle of brandy to help get well.
He got sick from being barefoot in the cold.

Text Version

November 10th, 1861
He was very sick and couldn't write. He received 2 letters (one with a dollar - no use to hime), a newspaper and the box.
Brother William in the same tent and makes a good nurse.
The pie and fancy cakes in the box are spoiled as were the apples. Sausage and dried beef were OK.
He loves her and thinks of her all the time as he lies there.

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November 13th, 1861
She has been there for a visit. They parted at the long bridge and it was hard.
She brought gloves for Brother William but he was away with the company.
He asks her not to visit in camp again for they are a "rough crowd".
Remembers to everyone, especially to her her so she won't forget him. Write soon and don't be sparing with the ink. "Yours forever".

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