The Civil War Letters

Annapolis, Maryland

November 21 to 23, 1861

After making considerable progress in foot and mounted drill, the regiment broke camp on November 17th and marched for Annapolis.

November 21st, 1861
They camped on the banks of Chesapeake Bay. He washed his face with salt water for the first time since he left England and "it was pretty salty".

They will go by ship on the Briney Sea to Charleston or Fortress Monroe.

He has received no pay as yet and he asks her to send one dollar and he will repay with interest.

Write soon as we won't be here long.

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November 23rd, 1861
Raining torrents today. Letter from his Father. She will visit his father at Reading, PA for Christmas since he will miss his annual visiting day. He has received 4 or 5 letters from his father. Keep his spirits up and never give way to any kind of weakness and he is as cheerful as anyone under the circumstances.

She works in the mill and is pregnant. No pay for him but he will send her money by the time she is laid up.

He was glad to see her in Washington even though he told her not to come again - "the shortest 24 hours I ever spent in my life".

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