The Civil War Letters

Camp Palmer

November 10, 1861

Camp Palmer Virginia Nov 10th 1861

Dear Wife, I received your letter last night and I now take the opportunity of answering it  I also received two letters from you about two weeks ago
in one letter there was one dollar in it and the other the Check for the Box last Sunday  I received a newspaper
I intended you an answer your letters right away but last friday week I was taken very sick and I have been layed up ever since  to tell you the truth I was not able to put a letter together and that was the reason why I did not write sooner
I suppose that my sickness was brought on by cold and exposure for the want of proper clothing.  a few days before I got before I got sick we had our Clothing and equipment give out to us and the men look like soldiers and not Beggars

I spend all of my time laying in my tent and I can tell you that if laying in bed sick makes your Bones ache laying on the hard damp ground is a great deal worse  but I am getting better now  I feel easy today but I am a little weak yet  your William sleeps in the tent with me and he makes a very good nurse  on Wedensday nightafter dark I was laying in my tent as usal  what should be left at front of the tent but the Box which you sent me and as soon as William come in he get a light and opend the Box  but Sorry to say the pies and them fancy cakes was all spoild  we had to throw them away
The apples was alas no more but the sausage and Dryed Beef was good and the Brandy you sent is a god send for by taking a spoonful every once in awhile it will strenthen me and help us to recover  but I would advise you not to send any more packages without first letting me know

Dear Maggie  I have not much to say today but I will write you another letter tomorrow or sunday and I hope you will not think it strange at me not writing sooner for how could I lay here the way I have been doing this last week or so without thinking of you all of the time
no Maggie  strange as you take me I never loved any one as I do love you and this is from my heart with siencerity  I will now close my letter  I will write to you in a day or two

From Your Affectionate Husband

W. Lancaster

Direct as before

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