The Civil War Letters

Camp Palmer

November 13, 1861

Camp Palmer Nov 13th, 1861

Dear Wife  I received your letter last night and was glad to hear that you reched home safe and sound  it was a good job that you started on saturday morning for Washington for just after I got back to camp it began to Rain and continued all day and night and it was very uncomfortable for you if you had stoped  about four oclock in the afternoon the rest of our company came back  when I told your Billy that you had been here he would hardly believe it until I showed him the gloves which you sent him  he would a been glad to seen you but it could not be helped  Mrs Milligan went to that house you spoke about and stoped until she had seen Sam
She started for home on tuesday so she had a good stay. our Regement is all together now and I think that we will soon make another move but I do not know which way it will be  wether to join Banks at Harpers ferry or to go further South. but the sooner the fighting begins the sooner the war will be over and the sooner I will be at home with you

Dear Maggie if it pained you to part with me near the long bridge I was no less effected then yourself for the road back to camp seamed to be two times as far going back as it was going with you. and dear Maggie you must think not bad of me if (missing) you away
but maggie I did do it for the best for I love you to well to see you in camp among such a rough crowd and beside they think things which aint right. but I am just as ancous to come home and see this war over as you are
I have no news to send you at present  I might have some in my next letter  Give my Best respects to Sister Jane  your Mother  Rose  Annie and all of the family  Remember me to my Uncle John and Aunt  Cousin William and all inquiring friends  and please Remember Me to yourself for I am afraid you will forget me
Write again soon

and dont be so sparing
of the ink as i am
for I never have much
to say    W.L

From Your Affectionate


William Lancaster

your affectionate Husband  W Lancaster

Yours forever
Yours forever


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