The Civil War Letters

Camp Palmer

November 3, 1861

Camp Palmer Virginia Nov 3 1861

Dear Wife
I write again to you today as I said I would in my last letter  I am very lonesome today
I am all by myself  yuesterday morning company F. was orderd to to Bladensburg in Maryland to be saddled up and at nine oclock  every horse of the company have gone but the sick there is about of us left to take of our selves as well as we can until they come back  they expect they will be away about one week  when they started it was Raining in torrants and up the Knees in mud
I expect they would have a slushy time of it and as I set in my tent toay I think that I must look like Robinson Crusoe. or if I had you in the tent with me it would take the lonesomeness away but I must grnnt and bear it alone but Maggie there is a good time coming for us when this war is over and I come back home
We will settle in a little home of our home where nether wars nor Roman of war will Disturb us any more. You know maggie that this war cannot last for a great while and now that my health is improving I may escape from any more sickness which I hope to god I may. I will inform you that our Company is fully equiped  each man has got a suit of cloths pare shoes and every one has got a sixbarrel Revolver and a large cavlery sabre  every day they have been drilled to the use of them so they are Ready for fight anytime

I am very glad that the Box you sent me came when it did  the india Ruber Blankets are priceless to the solders this time of the year  your Brother took his with him  taped his blanket up in it to keep it dry for him  he was very huch pleased with his. I have got my boots on today and they more comfortable then my shoes for a wet day  my neet Jacket and shirts came in very useful  in fact everything you sent me has come in useful to me and I Believe the Bottle of Brandy will help me to get well and I think that in a few days I will be quiet well again and I will try and keep well to after this for I think that it was with going Barefooted in the cold and wet that caused my sickness  I have not much more today at Present and if you should not receive no letter from me sometime when you expecting one do not be downharted about it for you may be sure that I will never foreget you nor neglect you while it is in my Power to do otherwise

So you can let your mind Rest on that for as you love me I love you and hope that nothing will caus me to do otherwise

this is all at Present

From Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

Give my respects to all the family
(garbled) remember me to Alice Turner and Kirk and mom  I have not answered Sarah Dysons letter yet  I would do it today but I have but one envelope and I want that for you  but give my respects to her
Give my respects to Cousin William and ask him if he got the letter I wrote him and what is the reson he dont write
W. Lancaster

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