The Civil War Letters

Camp Palmer

October, Sunday, 1861

Camp Palmer Sunday Oct I do not know the date

Dear Wife
I received your letter last Sunday and was glad to hear that you was well and hardy  yet I received the Check which was in the letter for the Box and on monday morning I got the suttler who was going to washington to take the check to Adams express office and he said that the Box was there but he would not wait long enough to bring it with him  there is always such a crowd of People around the express office that if anyone goes there for anythinghe has to wate sometimes for 2 or 3 hours before he can get what they go for  the suttler went in three times this last week but never got it for me  he said that he had not time to wait for it our Regemint teams never go to washington except on special occations when the quarter master goes with them and he will not let the teams go on square out of their way  I have tryed everything anyway I could think of to get the Box but I must give up all hopes of ever getting it now for they will not alow any one to pass over the long Bridge without a Pass from the General in command which is impossible for a common soilder to get  so I will send the check back to you and you can get the Box back for if you let the Box stay long where it is it will be lost and you might as well have it at home as looose it all together for I cannot get it by hook or by crook  
Dear Maggie I would a wrote sooner but I was waiting to see if I could not get the Box this week so that I might a sent you word and let you know  but I thought that I would wait untill today which is sunday and write  then I received the letter which the dollar was in  it was quiet excepted  but there is little use for money here  Your Brother William also received a letter with one dollar in it

Dear wife my condition is a little better then when I last wrote  I have got a pair of new pants and a dress jacket, pair of shoes two pair of socks and sabre Belts and I begin to fell a little more like a soilder  we have Church every sunday afternoon in the camp which I attend but there is a great Diference between out church and going to the new Baptist Church  I miss the seaat in the coushin Pew  we have to stand up or sit on the ground  our Regement is improving in drill very fast  we drill twice per day on horse back and we have plenty of hard work beside that  from supper time until Roll call we have nothing to do but walk about to keep our selfs warm for it is pretty cold night and mornings  we have had some heavy frosts already

Dear Maggie  I often very often think of the happy hours we have spent together and often wish that this war was over so that we might again live together in peice and happyness  maggie I know that you often thought that I did not love you but maggie if I have acted strange I have always loved you as I have loved no one else and if i live to come back I will be a proof of it
I have not much more to say  I will state that I have not been very well this last twor or 3 days but I am well today and I promise to take good care of myself with Gods help for in God I put my whole trust

Give my respects to your mother and Jane  Rose and all of the family and all inquiring friends

I received the letter that Sarah Dyson wrote to me
I have not had time to answer it yet

With my very best love to you my Dear Wife
From Your Affectionate
Husband. William Lancaster

Dont forget but write soon

Wm Lancaster

Direct your letter as before


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