The Civil War Letters

Southeast Virginia

May 20-22 to June 9, 1864

May 20-22, 1864. In the Field W Bermuda 100, VA
It is summer and he has been a little sick but still able to do his duty. He wants to whisper in her ear that he may be able to get out early even though he has been promoted. He feels that if one is promoted from the ranks that he can leave as soon as their 3 years are up from the first enlistment.

She is the only one he has any particular use for though lately she has said she will write no more about his family since he does not seem to be paying any attention to her letters.

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May 23rd, 1864. Bermuda Hundred, VA
They are encamped close to General Butler's forces and resting as horses and men are pretty well tired out. He has captured a beautiful Sorrel horse which is his own property. Officers must furnish their own horses - another one he bought. They are allowed to keep two.

He says that there is soon some very hard fighting to be done before Richmond falls and that The Rebels motto is "conquer or die".

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May 29th, 1864. Bermuda Hundred, VA
They have been ordered to leave their horses in camp and fight as infantry in Rifle Pits and Breastworks. This does not agree with them so well as their won style of fighting. They must keep their heads down but so far no one has been hurt.

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June 3rd, 1864. Bermuda Hundred, VA
They still are in the entrenchments and there has been skirmishes day and night with the Rebel works about 3/4 mile away.

General Grant is getting close to Richmond and he hopes that he will take it and end the war.

The Verse Hearts offering she sent in her letter were beautiful and he hopes they will not be apart much longer and will live to ripe old ages.

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June 9th, 1864. Bermuda Hundred, VA
It is hot and they have their hands full of Duty. He has been left in Command of Pickets. He hopes the summer will bring the war to a close.

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