The Civil War Letters

Bermuda Hundred, Virginia

June 9, 1864

in the field  W Bermuda Hundred
June 9th 1864

My Dear Wife

Since i last wrote to you i have received two letters from you and i was very glad to hear that you and Lizzie was still well and injoying good health as this leaves me well at present.  the weather continues as hot as ever and we have our hands full of Duty as usal  Our Rigement have gone on another Scout somewhere for three or four days and i have been left in the front in command of the Pickets until the Rigement Returns  so my work is layed out

Dear Maggie  i have no news to send  things seems to be Progressing favourably for our side  i hope this summer will bring this war to a close for i long to be at home with my wife and child  but i suppose the good time will come sooner or later if we only have Patiance to wait  though the time looks long now it will not look so long after it is Past.  Dear Maggie  i have no more to add at present

Remember me to Lizzie  Give my Love to Jane  Mother and all the family

My Very best Love to you
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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