The Civil War Letters

Bermuda Hundred, Virginia

Late May, 1864

11th Pa Cavalry in the field W Bermuda 100 Va

My Dear Wife

i received your Kind and affectionate letter two days ago  i was glad to hear from you and Lizzie and to know that you was well and injoying good health at present though i have not been very well for this last week or two though i have not been off Duty on account of it  but i generly have a couple of weeks sickness evry summer so i expect in another week i shall be all right again  at least i hope so.

Dear Maggie  i want to whisper something in your ear  you must not mention it to anyone for i am not quite sure yet.  i expect to be musterd out of the Service when my first 3 years is up which will be on the 21 of next August.  since i have received my Promotion i believe there has been an order from the War Department to the effect that officers who have been Promoted from the ranks can leave the Service as soon as there 3 years is up from there first enlistment  and if this is all true and i believe it is for i have it from a reliable Officer i will be very apt to Disapoint you by coming home before you expect me  i suppose you wont like that after Breaking up your house.  i dont promise for sure that i will be home in August but i honestly believe such will be the case though you must not build to strong hopes on it  as soon as i can find out for sure that i can come home in August i will let you know  in the meantime i would not mention this to anyone  i mention it to you because i have strong hopes it will all come true and as you are the only one in the world that i have any Perticlur love for and that cares about me and anything that i know you would be glad to hear

i will let you know though you Promised in your last letter to me that that was the last news you would send to me about the Lancasters.  So now i am completely cut of for as you are the only one in West Philadelphia that corresponds with me Regalurly  with me hearafter i must be left in the dark about home affairs  you seem to think that i take little notice of your letters simply because i dont mention in my letters all that is in yours  if you should happen to be present when i receive one of your letters you would know weather i took any notice of them or not  i was going to ask you how Bill Lancaster was making out with his Serape but i suppose it is no use

i must bring this letter to a close or you will not have Patiance to read it all.  no more at present

Give my Love to Jane  Mother and all the family  Remember me to Lizzie

My Best Love to you
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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