The Civil War Letters

Bermuda Hundred, Virginia

May 23, 1864

11th Pa Cavalry
Bermuda Hundred
May 23d 1864

My Dear Wife

Since i last wrote to you we have moved across the Appomatox River to this place  we are encamped close to Gen Butlers forces and we will probably rest here for a few days for Both horses and men are pretty well tired out  we have had one of the hardest old times of it since the first of this month we ever had since i have been soildering

on our last raid i captured a Beautiful Sorrel horse which is my own property  i have now two excellent horses of my own one i bought and the other captured.  officers have to furnish there own horses  each officer is allowed to keep two for himself.

Dear Maggie  i have no news to send at present though everything about here is in a Busell and Excitement  there is to be some very hard fighting to be done and God only knows who will live to see the end of it before Richmond falls  there will be thousands on thousands that will be sent to there long homes.  the Rebels have a very large and Powerfull Army and they have the advantage of fortifications and Breast works and they are commanded by skillful officers and there present motto is to conquer or Die.  one at home reading the papers may think it a easy job but i think if such a person was down here he would be very apt to find out his mistake

My Dear Wife  i have no more to add at present  i am injoying the very Best of health and i hope these few lines will find you and Lizzie injoying the same Blessing  i must bring this to a close  Give my love to all the family

My Very Best Love to you
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

Lieut Wm Lancaster
Co. E. 11th Pa Cavalry
Fortress Monroe  Va

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