The Civil War Letters

Bermuda Hundred, Virginia

May 29, 1864

11th Pa Cavalry
in the intrenchments W Bermuda Hundreds  Va
May 29th 1864

My Dear Wife

i received your Kind letter several days ago  i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health as this leaves me at present.  i suppose you will think it Strange to hear of Cavalry in entrenchments but such is the case  about four days ago our Cavalry Brigade was orderd to leave our horses in camp and march out to the front to Relieve the infantry 18th Army Corps who was orderd away  so here we are  Some of us in Rifle Pitts and others in Brestworks  the Rebel Pickets are about 200. (yards) from ours  i was just Relieved from Picket this morning  when we are on Picket here in the front we are obliged to dig Rifle Pits and it Requires us to be Very careful for the Very moment we stick our head above the Pit there is sure to be a Rifle Ball fly close to our head and indeed some of them come rather to close.

the Rebel Gen Beavergard is in the command of the Rebels in front of us and all of our infantry have left us and we have to fight infantry fashion which dont agree with us so well as our own stile of fighting  i do not know how long we will have to play infantry but i think it will last for a few weeks  as yet we have had no one hurt in our company and i hope we shall be fortunate enough to come out all right

Dear Maggie  i have no news to send  i hope these few lines will find you and Lizzie injoying the Very Best of health  hoping to hear from you soon again  i close with

My Best Love to you
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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