The Civil War Letters

Bermuda Hundred, Virginia

June 3, 1864

11th Pa Cavalry
June 3d 1864

My Dear Wife

i received your very Kind and affectionate letter this morning and i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good as this leaves me at present

we still hold our Place in the entrenchments yet and we have quite lively times of it once in a while  the rebel works are about 3/4 of a mile from ours and we have continued skirmishing both night and day

Gen Grant is getting close to Richmond  i hope he will succeed in taking it for i want to see this war brought to a close and i hope i will be fortunate enough to escape with out injury for i have been very lucky so far

Dear Maggie  i have no news to add.  the Verse Hearts offering which you sent in the letter is buitiful and i hope we shall both live to a ripe old age  our Paths have been far apart ever since we have been married but i hope we shall not be apart much longer  Dear Wife i must bring this to a close  Remember me to Lizzie  Give my Love to Mother  Jane and all the family

My Very best Love to you
i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

P.S.  i have not received those two letters you spoke of  perhaps i may receive them in a day or two  they may have been miss laid on account of our Regt moving about so much

(Direct your letters)
Lieut Wm Lancaster
Co E. 11th Pa Cavalry
Bermuda Hundred  Va

this Sheet of Paper and envelope are from Rebeldom  a specimen of the paper  the Envelope is very fine  also some Rebel Postage Stamps

Lieut Wm Lancaster
Co E. 11th Pa Cavalry
Bermuda Hundred  Va

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