"Your Affectionate Husband"

The Civil War Letters of

William Lancaster



The letters in this extensive collection were written by William to his wife, Maggie, throughout the War with the addition of one letter written to Maggie's brother William. The letters will be presented chronologically by location where written, and by date within that location. Navigation is by group and sub-group.

The letters are mostly legible and will be presented in their original form where possible. A corresponding typed version of each letter will also be provided. The typed version will be true to the original letters in terms of spelling and punctuation.

For each letter there is a brief summary. The original image of the letter is then accessed by clicking on the corresponding envelope. The first page of the letter is displayed by default. Other pages are accessed by pointing to the Page number to the left of the letter (highlights in red). Access to the typed version is provided by clicking on the link to the right of the envelope. Suggestion: for pages 2 and above where the page does not fit on the screen, position the mouse pointer over the Page number to hold the page on the screen, then use the keyboard scrolling controls (up and down arrows) to scroll up/down the letter page.

About the Letters
Brief Summary of the Letters

The Letters:

# Letters
The First Letters 9/19/1861 to 11/23/1861
Camp Hamilton, Fortress Monroe, VA 12/5/1861 to 5/10/1862
Suffolk/Portsmouth, VA 5/19/1862 to 6/10/1863
Southeastern Virginia 6/29/1863 to 6/9/1864
Chesapeake Hospital, Fortress Monroe 6/18/1864 to 8/11/1864
Prince George, VA area 8/18/1864 to 9/28/1864
Richmond/Bermuda Hundred, VA area 10/5/1864 to 3/27/1865

All letters on this site ©2002 Sims Trust.