The Civil War Letters

South Mills, North Carolina

September 6, 1863

South Mills N.C  Sept 6th 1863

My Dear Wife

this is the first oppertunity i have had to answer your kind letter of the 22 of Aug and i was very glad to hear that you was still in good health as this leaves me at present.  i have not been in camp since i wrote to you the last time.  Since then we have been scouting the country from the Blackwater in Virginia to the Chowan River in North Carolina  We have had rather tough times of it  our cheif Buisness has been to Hunt Guerillas and the Rebels on Blackwater  Yuesterday forenoon our Battalion of 4 Company made an attack on the Gurillas HeadQuarters near Landy Crossroads North Carolina.  we took them by suprise and captured all their arms ammination and what men we did not catch we chased so far into the Dismal swamp that they will not come out for some time to come

i am glad to hear that your Uncle and Cousin arrived safe.  You did not mention weather your cousin was a young man or woman  Your Brother has not got his Furlough yet but i expect he will get it pretty soon now.  we arrived at South Mills late last night  i do not know but we may stay here for a few days or perhaps for a week or two until we break up the Guerilla Bands which abound in this country

My Dear Wife  i have not much more to write at present  i would have wrote sooner but this is the very first chance i have had to write.  Give My love to all the Family  Remember me to Lizzie

 My Very Best Love to you My Dear Wife
 i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

Write Soon

Direct to Portsmouth Va as usal

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