The Civil War Letters

Richmond, Virginia

February 8, 1865

Camp 11th Pa Cav.
Nr Richmond Va
Feb 8th 1865

My Dear Wife

I received your Kind letter this morning and I was very glad to hear that Mother was doing So well  I hope she will soon be right well again.  I have got over my Sickness and am now in the injoyment of good health and I hope these few lines will find you and Lizzie injoying the Same blessing. I do not know when I Shall come home  I am so very unfortunate in getting favors granted me that I never expect any thing but disapointment when ever I apply for a favor ever so Small.

It Seems that when ever I apply for a leave of absence Something allways turns up to disapoint me.  but I must be content.  I suppose it is all for the best.  but it seems rather hard Sometimes for I would love Dearly to come home and Spend 20 or thirty days with my Wife and child.  I will do my best to come home this winter and with Gods assistance I may Succeed

I suppose Mothers Sickness has Kept you pretty well tied to the house and I have no doubt but that you have had a Severe time of it.

Dear Maggie  I am very much Pleased your Photograph which you Sent me last  it is the Best Picture of you I ever Saw.  and I hope that I shall soon be able to See the Original.

I have no news to Send  I might state that the weather is rather cold.  we had a Snow Storm yuesterday and today and it is quite Frosty.  but as I use to Say there is always Some kind of Weather this time of the Year.  I had a letter from Cousin Bill.  he was telling me that judge Kelly had quite a large Skating Pond on his ground and that the Girls had a big time injoying them Selves.  Sometimes with there heels up and head down.  Big thing on Ice

You may tell Joseph Vanleers wife that her husband has come back to the Company and is well and hearty.

I must now bring my letter to a close  Give my love to Jane and all the family

My Best Love to you
I am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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