The Civil War Letters

Richmond, Virginia

December 31, 1864

Co "E." 11th Pa Cavalry
Nr Richmond Va
December 31st 1864

My Dear Wife

I received your letter of the 26th and i can hardly tell you how glad i was to hear that Brother William had returned home safe and sound  i Suppose he can give you a history of Rebel cruelties.

Dear Maggie  i have received my New Years Present.  it came in last nights mail and i can assure you that it is Very exceptable  the Gloves are an excellant fit.  the neck tie and pin are Beautiful and i am much pleased with them  i am glad that you had a Merry Christmas and as tomorrow is new years day i wish you a Happy New Year.

i have no news to send  the weather is very bad  it is snowing very fast today and it it Keeps on we will have Plenty of winter.  and it is rather rough on Soilders who have to proform Picket duty.

tell William that i should like to see him very much  but i suppose he will visit the Company when he comes (unclear) his discharge and Finial Statements for his back pay & Bounty  tell him that i am very glad he has escaped from the Rebel Prison with his life.  for all the rest of the boys who was captured when he was have nearly all died  we had news last week that Corp Rich died in Prison near Charleston SC  Rockwell, Spencer, Jefferson and Several others of the boys who fell into there hands have all died.  if they cannot Kill them before they Capture them then they try there best to do it afterwards.

but i must bring my letter to a close  Give my Love to William  Mother  Jane  Rosey  Annie  Martha  Family  i wish them all a Happy New Year

My Love to you
i am As Ever

Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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