The Civil War Letters

Richmond, Virginia

December 15, 1864

Co. E. 11th Pa Cavalry
Nr Richmond Va
December 15th 1864

My Dear Wife

I received your Kind letter of Sunday Evening and I also received one a few days ago.  i was Very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health as this leaves me at present.

I was very much supprised to hear of Annie going to marry a one arm Soilder.  I thought and Expected much Better of her then that  She surly has not looked into the future or she would Pause before committing herself for life with a man who has nothing but the Mercy of the Government to depend on.  I hope she will not act foolish.  and in my humble opinion She Had better let the Soilder Slide.  but i will say no more  perhaps i am wrong.

We have had a Very rough time of it for this last two weeks.  the wether has been Very Bad and cold with snow and rain.  and we have had some smart skirmishing also with the Rebs who tried to turn our right but they got what they did not come for  a good beating.

I would like Very much to come home and Spend Christmas with you but i cannot  but perhaps Sometime this winter i will come home for a few weeks.

I did Expect at one time that our Regt would winter at or near Portsmouth but it appears not  we must stay in front of Richmond.  and so you will not be able to come and Spend the winter with me as i had hoped you would  but never mind  we shall meet Sometime which i hope will be before a great while

Dear Wife  i have no news to send  I would be very glad to except a Box from you with something for a Christmas but as Adams Express is so far from our front it would be so much troble to get it brought up here.  there is no Express Office nearer then City Point.  and the Box perhaps would have to lay there two or three weeks before i could have it brought up to my Company  for we are a long way from City Point which is on the South side of the James and we are on the north side

So you will Please not send one  I thank you all the same for i Know that you would do anything for me.  I hope you will have a Happy Christmas.  but with me it is hard to tell how i will Spend it.  but i will do the best i can  You must Remember me to Lizzie and tell her that Perhaps Papa will come home and See her Sometime this Winter

Give my Love to Mother  Jane and all the family and i wish them all a Happy Christmas

I close with my Very Best Love to you my Dear Wife
From Your Affectionate Husband
Wm Lancaster

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