The Civil War Letters

Portsmouth, Virginia

August 19, 1863

Portsmouth Aug 19th 1863

My Dear Wife

i have just arrived in camp from my weeks picket and i have just received your very kind letter and those two sweet verses of Love  they are very pretty and well composed and they make me long still more to see you then ever.  it will be 12 months from the 21st of this month when my time will be out  so you can see i have just a full year to serve yet  and i hope that God will Bless Both me and you with good health that we may be able to meet again and have a long and Happy life togather  and Dear Maggie with being seperate for such a long time will make our Love for one and another so much the stronger when we do meet.

i forgot to mention in my last letter that your Brother William is injoying the Best of health and has been for some time  the sore on his leg was not so bad after all  it was a small breaking out and he made it worse with scratching it  but i beleive it is well now  i suppose you will be Disappointed in expecting him home on a Furlough for it is a very hard matter to get a Furlough just now  i did not know what he wanted a furlough until you mentioned it in your letter  i would like to see him get one  i hope he will have better luck that i had trying to get a Furlough

My Dear Wife  i have no news to send you  Charleston is not took yet but i think it will fall before long

i must now close   give my love to all the family and Remember me to our Little Daughter

 My Best Love to you My Dear Wife
 i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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