The Civil War Letters

Portsmouth, Virginia

August 14, 1863

On Picket at Deep Creek Aug 14th 1863

My Dear Wife

i have received 3 letters from you since i wrote last  i am very glad to hear that you are still injoying good health as this leaves me at present.  i am glad to hear that the money reached you safly  i received the Postage Stamps you sent all right.  our company has been on Picket at this place since last Monday and i suppose that we will be on for another week at least

Dear Wife  i am so glad to hear such a good account of Lizzie  i hope she will live and get along without any more sickness for i think she has sufferd enough sickness for one child  My Dear Wife  i cannot write much to day for the ink is so bad that i can hardly make a mark and it is the best i can get about here  so you must excuse me for writing such a short letter  i will write again when i get to camp.  i received the Geramine loaf that Jane sent me and thank her very much for it  it was very pretty.  but excuse me for my ink is so bad i cannot write any more

Give my Love to your Mother  Jane and all the family

 My Very best Love to you
 i am as Ever
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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