The Civil War Letters

Camp Hamilton

March 3, 1862

Camp Hamilton March 3d 1862

My Dear Wife

i received your letter dated the 25th and i was very glad to heat that you was still injoying good health as it leaves me at present

there is nothing new since i last wrote  we are still in the same old place though we may move soon or we may not according to orders  so according to that we may be here a month or two yet  we was musterd in for pay on the 28th of Feb. but i suppose it will be two or three weeks before we receive our pay. Dear Wife  the time rolls slowly by. When i left philadelphia last summer i thought that by this time the war would a been at a close but you see i have been deceived  for Dear Maggie i never thought that i should a been away from you for such a long time  but such is war  we will have to put up with it i suppose. but Maggie  what is to be will be and i suppose that i am to live through this war and return home to you safe and Sound when this affair is over

Dear Maggie  you mentioned in your letter that you very often feel very lonesome and i am sorry that you are so lonesome but i can assure you that when i do come home you will ceace to be lonesome  for i think that i will be plenty of company for you  and i think we will have happyness to pay up for all that we have lost  for Maggie you do not know how much i do love you. and that is what makes me want this war to come to a close  for Dear Wife if it was not that i love you so dearly i would note care how long this war would last  but when i have a loving wife at home i am praying for this war to go on with a rush and get over with it so that i can return to a good and happy home

i have no news to send you in this letter  all is quiet at this place  it has been rather cold for this last few days but this morning it has begun to rain and is quiet wet again

i have no more to say at present  Give my best respects to Jane your Mother and all of the family and all inquiring friends

and with my very best
love to you my Dear Wife
i am Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

W. Lancaster
Company E 11th Penn Cavalry
Fortress Monroe

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