The Civil War Letters

Camp Hamilton

March 7, 1862

Camp Hamilton March 7th 1862

My Dear Wife

 i received your kind letter yuesterday and i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health as it leaves me at present

i am sorry to hear that times is so dull about Philadelphia at present but i hope that they will soon brighten up  but trade will never be very good as long as the war lasts. i am glad that my Father has moved to West Phila  i expect that he will like to live better in the City then he did up in the country

Dear Wife  as you say that you are going to be a mother i want you to take good care of yourself and expose yourself as little as possable  and be careful and pereserve your health  for when this war is over i want to return home and find my wife injoying good and sound health  so you know i want you to take very good care of yourself  it only greaves me that i am not at home to look after your welfare myself  but you must do the best you can with out me  all i can do for you at present is to write  but i cannot express my thoughts in writing as i could if i was at home and talking  but Maggie we will not be parted always  i expect there is a good time in store yet for us if god spares us both to meet again

i have no news to send you  everything is quiet at present  but it is very cold to day  last night we had a very cold snow storm and today it is freezing very keanly with a cold north Wester Blowing off the water  but we have to put up with all kind of wether  i have injoyed very good health since i have been at Fortress Monroe and i hope that god will preserve me in good health while i am Soildering  Dear Wife i have no more to say at present  when you write again please to send a few postage Stamps or else i will have to stop writing for i have not the means to get any here  i do not think that we will receive any pay before sometime in April at least  so by sending a few you will oblidge yours  W Lancaster

Give my respects to Jane  your Mother and all of the family and if you see any of my folks give my respects to them all and all inquiring Friends

And with my very
best love to you i am
Your Affectionate
William Lancaster

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