The Civil War Letters

Camp Hamilton

February 17, 1862

Head-quarters 11th Penn Cavalry Reg't. Co. E
Camp Hamilton Feb 17th 1862

My Dear Wife

 i take this oppertunity of writing to you to inform you that i am still in good health and hope these few lines will find you the same  i was expecting a letter from you today but being that i did not get one i thought i would write again to you. i expect you are settled in your new home by this time  i hope that you are comfortable for there is not much comfort for us poor devils down here. last friday morning early our Regiment was ordered to saddle and advance as far as Big Bethel  the morning was Bright and the sun shone and it had all the apearence of being a fine day  Our company was the centre company of the Regt.  we traveled through the Burnt city of Hampton which was burned down by the rebels last July  all of the country which we went through was layed in Ruins  the farm houses are all Deserted and windows all Broke. fences are all burnt and such a Ruinous country you never did see

we kept on the scout until about 3 oclock in the afternoon when it began to rain in torrants  but we kept on until we reached the Rebels pickets  but as soon as the pickets seen us they fired and run through the woods at double quick  and as it was pouring Rain we turned out faces to fortress Monroe and comenced our journey home where we arived a little after dark like a pack of drownd rats

Our cloths being wet to the skin and what between freezing and raining we was just as uncomfortable as we possible could be. the weather since has been very cold but we must put up with it for awhile. but it dose not matter how the wether is  i always am happy when i think of you and the hopes i have of returning home when the war is over  and Maggie the more i hear from you the more i am pleased with your conduct  and i am very well satisfied that you will be the best of Wifes and i will always thank my stars that led me to you. Dear Wife  i have no news to send you  everything is quiet about here just now  i hope that you will get along firstrate in your new home

When you write you must let me know how you get along  Give my best respects to Sister Jane  and all of Your family and inquiring Friends  and With my very Best Love to You  i am Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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