The Civil War Letters

Camp Hamilton

February 21, 1862

Camp Hamilton Feb 21st 1862

Dear Wife   i received your welcome letter to day and i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health as it leaves me at present. everything about hear is quiet yet  but i do not know how soon we may have to make a move  it appears that the Western Boys have give the Rebels a pretty good threshing at fort Donaldson  and i expect that we will have some fun at Yorktown before long if nothing happens. i think that the Rebels are getting pretty well penned up  they do not know which way to turn  we have got them surrounded on all sides and they will have to fight or give up before long for they will not be able to hold out a great while longer  i think they are pretty well played out

i have no news to send you

being that i received a letter from you i thought that i would write and let you know how i was getting along  i will inform you that i was promoted from a corporal to a Sergiant  So you can see i have got to be a Sergent after all  you see what out new captain has done for me one step higher in Rank  Your Brother William has been promoted to a corporal so he is one step higher than he was.

i have no more to say at present

 Give my best respects to Sister Jane your Mother  and all of Your family   and with my very best Love to You  i am
Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

Direct Your letters to
William Lancaster
Co E 11th Regt Penn Cavalry
Fortress Monroe

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