The Civil War Letters

Camp Hamilton

February 12, 1862

Head-quarters 11th Penn Cavalry Reg't. Co. E
Camp Hamilton Feb 12 1862

My Dear Wife  i received your letter to day and i was very glad to hear that you was still injoying good health as it leaves me at present. in your letter today you mentioned that your mother was going to move above 48th Street and that you was going to take a room for your self and i think that is the best way you can do  for you will be able to be more at home and you can do more as you please  for then you will be boss of your own Shanty

Dear Maggie  i want you to take of your self and try to perserve your health and perhaps i may live to come home to live with you again  and i am very glad to find that you are so industryious in trying to provide a home for me when i reach home which i hope i will live to do sometime before long  for this war will not last always. in this letter i send you my likeness  it is not a very good one  i had it taken by a Soildier in the 20th indiana Regt  he has a machine for taking them but it is a very small one and my likness is as good as i could expect under the cercumstances  when you write let me know what you think about it and if you think it looks like me  it is not as good a likeness as yours is but it will have to do for the present. Dear Wife  in one of your late letters you mention about your Dream about me being sick but as it happens i am in good health and am likely to be so for a while to come. speaking about dreams puts me in mind of a pleasing dream i had of you last night  i dreamed that you and me was out walking in the evening as usal as we use to do when we was courting  i thought that i had my arm around your waist and i kissed you and i thought that i was one of the happiest men in the world. but all at once i was awakned by the sound of Revelle and i had to jump up and attend Roll call and stable call which was a horse of another Color

but Dear Maggie i have not much to say at this letter  but i want you to take care of yourself and do that which you think best for yourself and you will please me  i am very glad to hear that you are providing a home for yourself and i will do all i can to maintain you in a good home  this is all i have to write at Present

Give my best respects to Sister Jane  your mother and all the family and all inquiring Friends  With my very best love to You
i am Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

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